Full Home Gym Workouts – Equipped the multi-function gym rack, which combines perfectly the Weight Cage, Squat Rack, and Cable Crossover Machine, and the utility extra accessories, you could do a total body exercise at home, such as Cable Flys, LAT Pulldown, Landmine Movements, Row, Squat, Bench Press, Dead-lifts, Bicep Curl, Tricep Extensions, Pull-ups, Chin-ups and More.They occursum perfecte vestra necessitates pro variis workouts et in domum gym repono.
‥ Location: CCXLV * 186,5 * 250cm
‥ foraminis spacing / apertura: 50mm / 26mm
‥ Material: LXXV × LXXV Welded; Sldes: Q235 Staal;
‥ superficiem curatio: pulveris coating
‥ idoneam variis disciplina missiones